One day, at a farmhouse, a hunting dog saw a fox catching a fat hen. 有一天,狐狸在农舍偷肥母鸡时被猎狗发现了。
The badger happily carried the big fat hen into his cave while the fox quickly ran off. 獾兴高采烈地把它叼进洞穴里去了。狐狸飞快地逃走了。
Nine, ten, A big fat hen. 十,一个大肥母鸡。
If anyone happens to see a fat black hen, tell her this for me: There's a light in the window, and a warm nest at the base of the pine tree. 要是有谁碰到一只胖胖的黑母鸡,请一定替我转告她:窗口有一盏灯在为她亮着,松树下有一个暖巢还在为她守侯。
Fat hen lie few egg. 鸡肥不生蛋。
The hen-pecked Mr Wilson was as fat as a hen's forehead. 怕老婆的威尔逊先生骨瘦如柴。
The influence of poplar leaf on the utilization rate of the protein and fat in laying hen 杨树叶对鸡日粮中蛋白质和脂肪利用率的影响
The Dependence of Fat Level of Hen on Activity of Fatty Acid Synthase in Liver on Different Ages Study on the fatty acids of sheep meat in different growth stage 不同生长期蛋鸡的体脂水平和肝脏脂肪酸合成酶活性的关系放牧前后肉用羊体脂脂肪酸组成变化的研究
Research into the influence of poplar leaves on utilization rate of the protein and fat in laying hen. The results show that 20% this additive can improve the utilization rate of protein 7.80% and the utilization rate of fat 3.96%. 研究了杨树叶对滨白蛋鸡蛋白质利用率和脂肪利用率的影响,结果表明:20%杨树叶可使滨白蛋鸡对日粮中蛋白质利用率提高7.80%,对日粮中脂肪利用率提高3.96%。
The results also suggested that tryptophan could decrease weight percentage of abdominal fat and liver fat in laying hen after egg laying peak. 本研究表明色氨酸通过调节蛋鸡机体的脂肪代谢,从而使蛋鸡肝脏和腹部脂肪的沉积显著降低。